Nyheter om VOLA

„Winner“ of German Design Award 2023

Iconic Award 2022 - Best of Best
Once again our new RS11 has won wide recognition in its field. We’re very honored to receive the ‘Best of Best’ Iconic Award 2022 for our RS11.

Our new RS11 won the Stylepark Selected Award 2021
With this award, Stylepark honors the best new products of the year 2021.

VOLA wins in the 2021 German Brand Awards


VOLA received the award CSRpeople21 for being a socially responsible company

VOLA is nominated for German Brand Awards 2021

VOLA is a part of the new exhibition at Danish Architecture Center:
Hello Denmark – Celebrating Danish Living!

Technical update
New sealing membrane for all VOLA built-in fittings


Architect Michael Sheridan
The Bauhaus movement and its influence on Danish design

Materialer & Arkitektur
VOLA was recently a part of this great event “Nature’s Materials and Architecture” in Aarhus, Denmark.

New VOLA colour: matt white

German Design Award 2019
The Original. Award winning for 50 years

VOLA celebrates 50 years and beyond
This September, VOLA brought 150 international architects from around the world together in Denmark to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

VOLA at IMM in Cologne and Swissbau in Basel
Drawing of the Year 2017
VOLA as a part of ”Drawing of the year 2017”
Rising Architecture Week
from 11 to 15 September.

VOLA part of the REDO Supermarket at the Milan Design fair

VOLA T60 Round Hand Shower
Plus X Award celebrates innovative products within the field of technology, sport and lifestyle.

European Capital of Culture 2017
At VOLA, we are proud to be a partner of Aarhus 2017 - European Capital of Culture 2017.

Bjarke Ingels at the VOLA Academy in Horsens

VOLA possibilities
VOLA is a world of possibilities, be inspired by this small animation.

Salone del Mobile
VOLA will exhibit its new award-winning designs at Salone del Mobile

Den nya Runda handduschen T60 har vunnit sitt tredje internationella designpris.

Inredningsinnovation - vinnare

German Design Award
– Special mention

VOLA Spa shower
Winner of German Design Award 2016

Iconic Award vinnare 2015
Den nya VOLA Round hand dusch – vinnare av ICONIC AWARDS 2015

Nya spa produkter från VOLA
Ett spa – privat, hotell- eller bastu stävar efter harmoni, där kropp och själ finner ro och ny energi.

Ny VOLA Round Series handdusch
Den runda handduschen är en naturlig fortsättning på den runda huvudduschen, baserad på samma design samma DNA.

2015 German Design Award goes to VOLA RS10
VOLA RS10 hands-free soap dispenser has been awarded the 2015 German Design Award – The German Design Council’s International Premier Prize.

“Drawing of the year 2014”
- International student competition

Danish Queen Margrethe visited the VOLA showroom in Shanghai
Area sales manager Carsten Hartmann shows the Queen around and introduces her to the VOLA history.

VOLA showroom i Stockholm
Last week we opened a new VOLA showroom in Stockholm in connection with the Stockholm Design Week.

Interior Innovation Award 2014 går til VOLA RS10, den nye indbyggede sæbedispenser
Den nye indbyggede sæbedispenser VOLA RS10 der netop nu vises på udstillingen arkitekt@work i Düsseldorf er blevet kåret som vinder af Interior Innovation Award 2014.

Den nye runde VOLA hovedbruser 060 har netop vundet German Design Award 2014
En særdeles prestigefyldt pris, ikke mindst på grund af organisationen, der står bag, nemlig German Design Council.

VOLA showroom opening in Shanghai on November 8 & 9
On November 8th and 9th the grand opening of Design Republic and the opening of our VOLA flagship showroom in Shanghai took place.

VOLA News: Hands-free soap dispenser

Den nye runde VOLA hovedbruser 060 er nomineret til German Design Award 2014
Den runde VOLA hovedbruser tager afsæt i det karakteristiske VOLA designsprog, men har givet det en helt ny dimension. Den leger med de klassiske træk og folder dem ud til en ny smuk form.

VOLA berøringsfri armaturserie nomineret til German Design Award 2014
German Design Award er en særdeles prestigefyldt pris, ikke mindst på grund af organisationen, der står bag, nemlig German Design Council.

VOLA 060 Rund Hovedbruser - Forfriskende unik. Konsekvent VOLA
Dette er ikke den første bruser designet og produceret af VOLA. Men det er den første runde hovedbruser. Det er det, der gør den til noget særligt.

VOLA Round Series nomineret til German Design Award 2013
Både den nye indbyggede VOLA affaldsbeholder, RS1 og VOLA Round Series som design koncept er blevet nomineret til German Design Award 2013.

VOLA Round Series vinder German Design Award 2013
Den nye indbyggede affaldsbeholder, VOLA RS1 er netop blevet udvalgt til at modtage German Design Award 2013.

Danish Logistics Prize 2012
VOLA wins the Danish Logistics Prize 2012

Den nye Round Series fra VOLA vandt 4 priser ved Plus X Award.
Bedst indenfor Innovation, Design, Funktionalitet og Best Product of the Year 2011.

GOOD DESIGN Award 2011
I december 2011 vandt VOLA RS1 GOOD DESIGN Award, der uddeles af The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. Prisen blev indstiftet i Chicago i 1950 af bl.a. Ray og Charles Eames og er den ældste designpris i verden.

Round Series
Ett nytt moduluppbyggt designkoncept innehållande avfallsbehållare samt pappersdispenser från VOLA

DIRA Award 2010
VOLA won the DIRA Award 2010 presented by the Danish Industrial Robot Association.

Ny justerbar monteringsfixtur
Levereras från och med 1 februari 2010.

Ny fristående dusch, FS3
Vår nya fristående dusch med termostat är en efterlängtad nyhet i VOLA sortimentet.

Ny armatur till fritt stående tvättställ
I mars 2009 presenterar VOLA en ny armatur till fritt stående tvättställ, FS2.

Handduksvärmare, T39 - utvecklat som modulsystem.
Nu lanserar vi ett nytt element i VOLA serien, en moduluppbyggd handduksvärmare.

VOLA 080ST – En variant av VOLA FS3 duschen för inbyggnad i vägg.
Efter önskemål från våra kunder erbjuder vi nu en variant av den fristående duschen FS3.